The REGEXP_LIKE function in Oracle PL/SQL is a powerful tool for pattern matching within strings. This function allows you to use regular expressions to search for patterns in text data stored in your Oracle database. Here’s a breakdown of the REGEXP_LIKE function and its key components: Syntax REGEXP_LIKE (source_string, pattern [, match_parameter ]) source_string: The…(Continue Reading)


One of the features of PL/SQL is the UPDATEXML function, which allows you to update XML data stored in an Oracle database. The UPDATEXML function allows you to modify the value of a specific node in an XML document. Here is the basic syntax of the UPDATEXML function: Syntax UPDATEXML(xml_document, xpath_string, new_value) xml_document is an…(Continue Reading)


One of the key features of PL/SQL is the ability to query and manipulate XML data using the EXTRACTVALUE function. The EXTRACTVALUE function is used to extract a value from an XML document. It takes two arguments: the first argument is the XML document, and the second argument is an XPath expression that specifies the…(Continue Reading)


PL/SQL XMLType is a data type in the PL/SQL programming language that is specifically designed to handle XML data. It provides a set of functions and operators that allow developers to manipulate and extract information from XML documents in a convenient and efficient way. With PL/SQL XMLType, developers can store XML data as a column…(Continue Reading)