PL/SQL Boolean

The Oracle PL/SQL Boolean data type is a data type that can store two values: TRUE or FALSE.
The Boolean data type is often used in programming to store values that can only be one of two options, such as true or false.


To declare a variable with the Boolean data type, you use the following syntax:

variable_name BOOLEAN;


For example, the following declaration creates a Boolean variable named is_admin that can store two values: TRUE or FALSE:

is_admin BOOLEAN;

When you assign a value to a Boolean variable, you can use the keywords TRUE or FALSE, or the numbers 1 or 0. For example:

is_admin := TRUE;
is_admin := FALSE;
is_admin := 1; -- same as TRUE
is_admin := 0; -- same as FALSE

The following example uses the Oracle PL/SQL Boolean data type:

is_admin BOOLEAN := TRUE;
IF is_admin = FALSE THEN
-- do something here

In the example above, the IF statement will only execute if the is_admin variable is FALSE. If the is_admin variable is TRUE, the IF statement will not be executed.

You can also use the Oracle PL/SQL Boolean data type in assignments and comparisons. The following example uses the Oracle PL/SQL Boolean data type in an assignment:

is_admin BOOLEAN := TRUE;
is_admin := FALSE; -- assignment

In the example above, the is_admin variable is assigned the value FALSE.