In PL/SQL, the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement is a powerful and flexible feature that allows you to dynamically execute SQL statements or PL/SQL blocks. This statement is particularly useful when you need to construct SQL statements dynamically at runtime, based on certain conditions or user inputs. Syntax The basic syntax of the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement is…(Continue Reading)
Category: PL/SQL
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The REGEXP_SUBSTR function in Oracle PL/SQL is a powerful tool for working with regular expressions to extract substrings from a larger string. This function allows you to search for a pattern within a string and return the matched substring. Here’s an overview of the REGEXP_SUBSTR function: Syntax The basic syntax of the REGEXP_SUBSTR function is…(Continue Reading)
The REGEXP_REPLACE function in Oracle PL/SQL is a powerful tool for performing regular expression-based search and replacement within strings. This function allows you to search a string for a specified pattern using regular expressions and replace it with a specified value. Here is an overview of the REGEXP_REPLACE function: Syntax REGEXP_REPLACE(source_string, pattern, replace_string [, start_position…(Continue Reading)
The REGEXP_INSTR function in Oracle PL/SQL is a powerful tool for pattern matching within strings. It allows developers to search for a regular expression pattern in a given string and returns the position of the first occurrence of the pattern. This function is particularly useful for tasks such as data validation, extraction, and manipulation. Syntax…(Continue Reading)
The REGEXP_COUNT function in Oracle PL/SQL is a powerful tool for working with regular expressions to count the number of occurrences of a specified pattern in a string. This function is particularly useful when you need to analyze textual data and extract information based on specific patterns. Here’s a breakdown of the REGEXP_COUNT function: Syntax…(Continue Reading)