Oracle PL/SQL LONG RAW data type is a data type used to store binary data in a table or variable in an Oracle database. It is similar to the RAW data type, but it can store up to 2 GB of binary data, while RAW data type can only store up to 2000 bytes of…(Continue Reading)
Category: PL/SQL
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The Oracle PL/SQL NCHAR data type is used to store fixed-length Unicode character strings, where each character occupies two bytes of storage. In PL/SQL, the NCHAR data type is represented as a string literal enclosed in single quotes with the prefix ‘N’. Example For example, the following code snippet defines a variable of NCHAR data…(Continue Reading)
The Oracle PL/SQL NUMERIC data type is a versatile data type that allows developers to store precise numerical values with varying degrees of precision and scale. The NUMERIC data type is a subtype of the NUMBER data type, which can store both integer and floating-point numbers. However, unlike the NUMBER data type, the NUMERIC data…(Continue Reading)
Oracle PL/SQL provides several numeric data types to store numbers of various sizes and precision, including the FLOAT data type. The FLOAT data type is used to store floating-point numbers, which are numbers with a decimal point that can have a variable number of digits both before and after the decimal point. In PL/SQL, there…(Continue Reading)
The Oracle PL/SQL DOUBLE PRECISION data type is used to store numeric values with double precision. It is a floating-point data type that can store a large range of values, including both positive and negative values, with high precision. The DOUBLE PRECISION data type is a synonym for the NUMBER data type with a precision…(Continue Reading)