ORA-02443: Cannot drop constraint – nonexistent constraint Oracle PL/SQL error message: ORA-02443: Cannot drop constraint – nonexistent constraint. Cause: An attempt was made to drop a constraint that does not exist. Solution: Check if the constraint and table name are correct and try to run the drop command again. Example: ALTER TABLE test DROP CONSTRAINT…(Continue Reading)
Category: PL/SQL
Learn PLSQL Tutorial
In Oracle PL/SQL, a WHILE LOOP is used to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a certain condition is true. The syntax for a WHILE LOOP is as follows: WHILE condition LOOP — code to be executed END LOOP; The condition is a Boolean expression that is evaluated before each iteration of…(Continue Reading)
In Oracle PL/SQL, a FOR LOOP is used to execute a block of code repeatedly for a fixed number of times. The syntax for a FOR LOOP is as follows: FOR loop_counter IN start_value..end_value LOOP — code to be executed END LOOP; The loop_counter is a variable that is used to control the loop and…(Continue Reading)
In Oracle PL/SQL, the EXIT statement can be used to exit a loop early, before it completes its normal iteration. The EXIT statement can be used with a WHEN clause, which specifies a condition under which the loop should exit. The syntax for using the EXIT statement with a WHEN clause is as follows: EXIT…(Continue Reading)
The PL/SQL EXIT keyword is used to exit a loop prematurely. It can be used within the loop body to exit the loop immediately and continue execution after the loop. The EXIT keyword can also be used with a label to exit a specific loop within a nested loop structure. EXIT LOOP example For example,…(Continue Reading)