PL/SQL Index-by tables are a type of data structure available in Oracle database. They allow you to store and access data using a key or index, similar to how you would use an array. However, unlike arrays, index-by tables can be dynamically resized, making them more flexible and efficient. To create an index-by table, you…(Continue Reading)
Category: PL/SQL
Learn PLSQL Tutorial
Collections and Records
Oracle PL/SQL collections and records are data structures that allow for the storage and manipulation of multiple values or rows of data within a single variable or object. Collections Collections are a group of similar data elements, such as a group of strings or numbers. There are three types of collections: arrays, lists, and associative…(Continue Reading)
PL/SQL Views
A PL/SQL view is a virtual table that contains data from one or more tables. PL/SQL Views are used to provide security or simplify complex queries. In this article we have a list of operations that can be performed on PL/SQL Views. Creating a View To create a view in Oracle database, you use the…(Continue Reading)
PL/SQL Delete View
Delete View syntax DELETE FROM view_name WHERE condition; COURSE_ID NAME DESCRIPTION DURATION PRICE 2 SQL 2 SQL course for advanced 2 week 50 4 PHP PHP course 4 week 75 5 CSS Learn CSS 2 week 20 100 Python Python course 4 week 89 Delete View example delete from course_view where course_id=100; commit; select *…(Continue Reading)
PL/SQL Update View
Update View syntax UPDATE view_name SET col_name WHERE condition; COURSE_ID NAME DESCRIPTION DURATION PRICE 2 SQL 2 SQL course for advanced 2 week 50 4 PHP PHP course 4 week 75 5 CSS Learn CSS 2 week 20 100 Python Python course 4 week 80 Update View example update course_view set price=89 where course_id=100; commit;…(Continue Reading)