The Oracle PL/SQL NUMERIC data type is a versatile data type that allows developers to store precise numerical values with varying degrees of precision and scale.
The NUMERIC data type is a subtype of the NUMBER data type, which can store both integer and floating-point numbers. However, unlike the NUMBER data type, the NUMERIC data type has a fixed precision and scale, which allows for greater accuracy and consistency in calculations.
To define a variable with the NUMERIC data type in PL/SQL, developers can use the following syntax:
variable_name NUMERIC(precision, scale);
The precision parameter specifies the total number of digits that can be stored, including both the integer and decimal parts of the number. The scale parameter specifies the number of decimal places that can be stored.
For example, to define a variable named “price” with a precision of 8 and a scale of 2, developers can use the following syntax:
price NUMERIC(8,2);
This variable can store values with up to 6 digits before the decimal point and 2 digits after the decimal point. Examples of valid values for this variable include 1234.56, 12.34, and 0.01.
PL/SQL also provides several built-in functions for working with NUMERIC data, such as ROUND, TRUNC, and ABS. These functions can be used to perform various mathematical calculations and manipulate the precision and scale of numeric values.
In summary, the NUMERIC data type in Oracle PL/SQL provides a reliable and accurate way to store and manipulate precise numerical values. By using the NUMERIC data type and its associated functions, developers can ensure that their calculations and data are accurate and consistent.