Oracle PL/SQL provides a set of regular expression functions that can be used to manipulate and analyze text data stored in an Oracle database. Here’s a brief overview of the most commonly used Oracle PL/SQL regular expression functions:

REGEXP_LIKE: This function checks whether a string matches a given regular expression pattern. For example, the following query would return all rows where the “name” column starts with “J”:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(name, '^J');

REGEXP_COUNT: This function counts the number of times a regular expression pattern appears in a string. For example, the following query would return the number of times the letter “o” appears in the “name” column:

SELECT REGEXP_COUNT(name, 'o') FROM employees;

REGEXP_INSTR: This function returns the position of the first occurrence of a regular expression pattern in a string. For example, the following query would return the position of the first occurrence of the string “son” in the “name” column:

SELECT REGEXP_INSTR(name, 'son') FROM employees;

REGEXP_REPLACE: This function replaces all occurrences of a regular expression pattern in a string with a replacement string. For example, the following query would replace all occurrences of the string “Co.” in the “company” column with “Company”:

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(company, 'Co.', 'Company') FROM employees;

REGEXP_SUBSTR: This function returns a string that matches a regular expression pattern. For example, the following query would return the first name of all employees in the “name” column:

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(name, '^\w+') FROM employees;

These are just a few examples of how to use regular expressions with Oracle PL/SQL. Regular expressions can be very powerful tools for manipulating text data, and mastering them can greatly increase your ability to work with data stored in an Oracle database.