Oracle PL/SQL %ROWTYPE is a very useful attribute that can be used to fetch rows from a table and store the information in a record. This is especially helpful when you need to loop through a result set and process each row individually.
The PL/SQL %ROWTYPE attribute provides a record type that represents a row in a table. The record can store an entire row of data selected from the table or fetched from a cursor or cursor variable.
The Oracle PL/SQL %ROWTYPE can be used in conjunction with the SELECT statement to fetch rows from a table and store the information in a record.
record_variable cursor_name%ROWTYPE;
declare cursor c1 is select lastname, departmentid from employee where departmentid = 33; v_rec c1%ROWTYPE; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 INTO v_rec; exit when c1%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Lastname: '||v_rec.lastname); end loop; close c1; end;
If you wanted to fetch all of the rows from the table and store the information in a record, you could use the following PL/SQL Anonymous block:
DECLARE l_employee employees%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR l_employee IN (SELECT * FROM employees) LOOP -- Do something with the employee record. END LOOP; END; /