Oracle PL/SQL is renowned for its robust capabilities in managing and manipulating data. Among its many built-in utilities, the UTL_RAW package offers a suite of functions to handle raw data types effectively. One of the lesser-discussed yet incredibly useful functions within this package is the UTL_RAW.REVERSE function. This article delves into the purpose, usage, and practical applications of UTL_RAW.REVERSE, offering insights to help developers make the most of this feature.

What Is the UTL_RAW.REVERSE Function?

The UTL_RAW.REVERSE function is a built-in PL/SQL utility that reverses the order of bytes in a given raw input. The function is especially useful when working with binary data and byte streams, where reversing the byte order might be necessary for encoding, decoding, or data integrity purposes.


The syntax for the UTL_RAW.REVERSE function is straightforward:


raw_input: This is the input of type RAW that you want to reverse.
Returns: A RAW value with the byte order reversed.

Key Points

The input and output are of the RAW data type, which is a binary data type in Oracle.
If the input is NULL, the function returns NULL.


There are several use cases for reversing the byte order in raw data, including:

Data Encoding and Decoding: Some encoding schemes require a specific byte order that may differ from the default. Reversing bytes ensures compatibility with such schemes.

Checksum Calculations: Reversing bytes can be a step in generating checksums or hash values for data verification.

Legacy System Integration: When integrating with legacy systems, byte order reversal may be necessary to match the endianess (big-endian vs. little-endian) expected by the target system.


Let’s explore a few practical examples to understand how the UTL_RAW.REVERSE function works.

Example 1: Basic Reversal

Here’s a simple example that demonstrates how to reverse a raw value:

    original_raw RAW(20) := HEXTORAW('12345678');
    reversed_raw RAW(20);
    reversed_raw := UTL_RAW.REVERSE(original_raw);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Original RAW: ' || RAWTOHEX(original_raw));
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Reversed RAW: ' || RAWTOHEX(reversed_raw));


Original RAW: 12345678
Reversed RAW: 78563412

In this example, the hexadecimal input 12345678 is reversed to 78563412.

Example 2: Reversing RAW Data from a Table

The function can also be used to manipulate raw data stored in a database table. Consider the following:

-- Create a table to store raw data
CREATE TABLE raw_data_table (
    id NUMBER,
    raw_value RAW(20)

-- Insert sample data
INSERT INTO raw_data_table VALUES (1, HEXTORAW('A1B2C3D4'));

-- Reverse the raw data and display the result
    reversed_raw RAW(20);
    INTO reversed_raw
    FROM raw_data_table
    WHERE id = 1;

    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Reversed RAW: ' || RAWTOHEX(reversed_raw));


Reversed RAW: D4C3B2A1

This example shows how to use UTL_RAW.REVERSE to process data directly from a database table.

Tips and Best Practices

Understand Your Data: Before using UTL_RAW.REVERSE, ensure you understand why byte reversal is necessary for your specific scenario.

Work with RAW Functions: Combine UTL_RAW.REVERSE with other functions like HEXTORAW and RAWTOHEX for seamless conversion between RAW and hexadecimal formats.

Test Thoroughly: Reversing bytes can lead to unexpected results if applied incorrectly. Always test the function in a controlled environment before implementing it in production.


The UTL_RAW.REVERSE function is a powerful yet simple tool for manipulating raw data in Oracle PL/SQL. Whether you’re working on encoding schemes, integrating with legacy systems, or performing complex data manipulations, this function offers a straightforward way to reverse byte order in raw inputs. By understanding its syntax, applications, and best practices, developers can add a valuable skill to their Oracle PL/SQL toolbox.