In Oracle PL/SQL, raw data manipulation often involves functions that offer precise control over binary data. Among these is the UTL_RAW.SUBSTR function, a utility provided by Oracle’s UTL_RAW package. This function allows developers to extract portions of raw data efficiently, making it indispensable for applications requiring low-level data handling. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the workings of UTL_RAW.SUBSTR, its syntax, use cases, and practical examples to showcase its utility.

What is the UTL_RAW.SUBSTR Function?

The UTL_RAW.SUBSTR function is a built-in utility in the UTL_RAW package designed to operate on RAW data types. Unlike VARCHAR2 or other character-based data types, RAW is used to store binary data in Oracle databases. The UTL_RAW.SUBSTR function is specifically tailored to extract a substring from a RAW value, much like the SUBSTR function does for character strings.


The syntax of the UTL_RAW.SUBSTR function is straightforward:

UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(raw_value IN RAW, start_position IN INTEGER [, length IN INTEGER]) RETURN RAW;

raw_value: The input RAW value from which the substring is extracted.

start_position: The starting position of the substring, beginning at 0.

length (optional): The number of bytes to extract. If omitted, the function returns all bytes from the starting position to the end of the RAW value.

The function returns a RAW value containing the specified portion of the input.

Key Features

Precision: Operates on binary data with byte-level granularity.

Optional Length Parameter: Offers flexibility in how much data to extract.

Zero-Based Indexing: Unlike many Oracle string functions that use 1-based indexing, UTL_RAW.SUBSTR uses 0-based indexing for the start position.


Working with RAW data is common in applications dealing with encrypted data, binary file storage, or certain communication protocols. For instance:

Extracting Header Information: In binary file formats, you might need to extract a header stored in the first few bytes.

Parsing Encrypted Data: Decrypting and processing specific portions of encrypted content.

Working with Checksums: Analyzing segments of RAW data for checksum or validation purposes.


Let’s explore some practical scenarios to better understand how UTL_RAW.SUBSTR works.

Example 1: Extracting a Portion of RAW Data

   raw_data RAW(20) := HEXTORAW('4F5241434C45'); -- 'ORACLE' in hex
   extracted RAW(20);
   -- Extract the first 3 bytes (OR)
   extracted := UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(raw_data, 0, 3);
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(RAWTOHEX(extracted)); -- Outputs: '4F52'

In this example, the function extracts the first three bytes (4F52) from the RAW input.

Example 2: Omitting the Length Parameter

   raw_data RAW(20) := HEXTORAW('4F5241434C45'); -- 'ORACLE' in hex
   extracted RAW(20);
   -- Extract from position 3 to the end ('ACLE')
   extracted := UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(raw_data, 3);
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(RAWTOHEX(extracted)); -- Outputs: '414345'

When the length parameter is omitted, the function returns all bytes starting from the specified position.

Example 3: Handling Encrypted Data

   encrypted_data RAW(64) := HEXTORAW('AABBCCDDEEFF00112233445566778899');
   signature RAW(64);
   -- Extract the last 8 bytes (signature segment)
   signature := UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(encrypted_data, LENGTH(encrypted_data) - 8);
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(RAWTOHEX(signature)); -- Outputs: '66778899'

This example demonstrates how to extract a specific segment, such as a signature, from the end of RAW data.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Zero-Based Indexing: Remember that UTL_RAW.SUBSTR uses zero-based indexing for the start position, which can be a source of errors for developers accustomed to 1-based indexing.

Boundary Checks: Ensure the starting position and length do not exceed the RAW data size to avoid runtime errors.

Use RAW Data Conversion: Use functions like HEXTORAW and RAWTOHEX for seamless conversion between RAW and human-readable hexadecimal formats.


The UTL_RAW.SUBSTR function is a powerful tool for developers working with RAW data in Oracle PL/SQL. By providing fine-grained control over binary data, it simplifies operations like data extraction, parsing, and processing. Whether you’re handling encrypted content, parsing binary files, or implementing custom protocols, UTL_RAW.SUBSTR is a reliable function in your toolkit.

By understanding its syntax, use cases, and potential pitfalls, you can leverage this function to handle RAW data effectively in your PL/SQL applications.